*If a player receives a direct technical foul, they are automatically substituted and forfeit their playing time within that time slot. The substituted player does not have that playing time held against them.
*The Signal/Buzzer for 4 minutes should be given at stoppage or slow point of game. There is no automatic signal in the fourth quarter.
*Coaches not adhering to the above rules, by not playing players an adequate amount of minutes will be notified of such violation by a M.T.Y.B. Board member. Games will be forfeited if coach does not play players adequate amount of time.
WMS (01:19 PM | 04/16/20)
5/6 (01:19 PM | 04/16/20)
7/8 (01:19 PM | 04/16/20)
WHS (01:28 PM | 11/13/19)
Far court (01:19 PM | 04/16/20)
Middle Court (01:19 PM | 04/16/20)
Front court (01:19 PM | 04/16/20)
Radix (12:46 PM | 12/03/19)
Field 1 (01:19 PM | 04/16/20)
Oak Knoll (01:19 PM | 04/16/20)
Whitehall (01:19 PM | 04/16/20)
Holly Glen (08:09 AM | 12/12/21)
Field 1 (08:09 AM | 12/12/21)